The Benefits
Feels cooler, fresher and more comfortable, especially during the hot summer months
Reduces body odour
Has sports-related benefits – for swimmers, athletes and cyclists in particular (reduces chafing and faster recovery from injury)
Improves appearance and enhances muscle definition
Displays tattoos and piercings to their full potential
Increases self-confidence (the ‘look good feel good factor)
Has lifestyle benefits for naturists, models, adult entertainers etc.
Heightens sensitivity
Unlike shaving or hair removal, waxing removes hair from the root. For many men, the promise of slower, softer and sparser regrowth, therefore, makes waxing the preferred choice over alternative methods of temporary hair removal.
Waxing carried out on:
Face – Ears, nose, eyebrows, beard line
Back, Sack, crack, pubic and genital areas
I use the finest products by Ashmira Botanica and offer:-
Strip waxing for the body
Peelable waxing for the more delicate areas
A Vegan friendly wax if required